> **题目:基于RTMPose的耳朵穴位关键点检测**
> 背景:根据中医的“倒置胎儿”学说,耳朵的穴位反映了人体全身脏器的健康,耳穴按摩可以缓解失眠多梦、内分泌失调等疾病。耳朵面积较小,但穴位密集,涉及耳舟、耳轮、三角窝、耳甲艇、对耳轮等三维轮廓,普通人难以精准定位耳朵穴位。
> 任务 1.Labelme标注关键点检测数据集(子豪兄已经帮你完成了) 2.划分训练集和测试集(…
Hi, I'm trying to install the `requirements.txt `on a MacOS Arm64 using `pip install -r requirements.txt` and get the following error:
> Collecting PyQt5!=5.15.3,!=5.15.4 (from labelme>=4.5.0->-r r…
I am trying to run it in debug so I can step through the code and make changes easily to contribute to this repo.
I am using VScode.
As an example, I put a breakpoint in app.py in the def for opendi…
DocVi updated
2 years ago
## Reference
- [COCO dataset](http://cocodataset.org/#home)
- [Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context - 2015](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.0312.pdf)
- [COCO Annotation Data format](http://co…
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### 请提出你的问题 Please ask your question
老师你好,python tools/train.py -c configs/yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign.yml --eval -o use_gpu=true。我在用这个命令加入自己的数据集进行模型训练时,模型要自己下载数据集,如果要用我自己的数据集,怎么设置不让他下载而直接读取现有的呢,还有就是labelme软件生成的标注格式是json格式的,而样例数据集的格式都是x…
We want to make a crack detection dataset and want to know how to make ground truth data (methods , softwares or tools). Crack ground truth is different from ordinary segmentation ground truth. The s…
Epoch GPU_mem box_loss seg_loss obj_loss cls_loss Instances Size
6/49 1.82G 0.06135 0.06232 0.03056 0 2 640: 96%|█████████▌| 3988/415…
I have polygons made using labelme annotation tool
which are written like this
points": [