### Introduction
So this is related to the work with https://github.com/MattTheLegoman/RealmsInExile/issues/337 . Currently to form the Ashdurbúk title you need to hold 2 holy sites. But I’m thinkin…
## 你使用的 chinesesubfinder 是什么版本,什么环境?
> chinesesubfinder 版本: v0.33.12
> 环境: 群晖 docker
> 在程序运行日志头部或者 Web UI 可以看到
## 你遇到什么问题了?
> 最近下载的电影电视剧不下载字幕
## 你的问题弄重现嘛?
> 能够重现
## 你期望的结果
Extracting on linux and an uppercase folders always results in tome files being looked for in a bunch of different cases
`SUPPORT` `suPPORT`` suppORT` and `supporT`
(base) ceegee@pop-os:~$…
Would anyone like to package this for [Guix](https://guix.gnu.org/)?
Realm starting conditions are only loosely coupled to race from a logical point of view. When creating a realm/empire, there could be a list of possible starting scenarios, which affect things like wh…
It's currently possible to include internal links to sections. I'd like to propose a similar feature for links to figures/images and tables.
It may make sense to provide this feature only if the figu…
This is a non-trivial amount of work and I would not at all mind if it was declared out-of-scope, but it would be nice for rasn to be a full-fledged ASN.1 compiler. Some protocol definitions (*cough*…
[short_descr]Analyze the security of any domain by finding all the information pos…
Topic is determined: Digital Basic identity, see https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/brieven_regering/detail?id=2021Z02985&did=2021D06488
Estimated timeline (tentative)
- 2 _weeks_: read back…
To eliminate multiple code paths we should move the user management page from using it own custom private endpoint to the provisiioning API.
With the recent improvements in the provisioning API I th…