**Version**: v6.07.06
**Datasets loaded:** (tried two different sets)
**Primary Dataset:** ( Council of Theives Player's Guide, Kingmaker Player's Guide, Guide to the River Kingdoms, Inner Sea Best…
Salut !
Ce que je trouve un peu pénible avec la commande "Déplacer un événement"/"Définir un itinéraire", c'est qu'on ne peut pas écrire de façon très esthétique (c'est-à-dire, de la façon suivante).…
I am using Chrome, currently updated; Windows 10 64-bit; my other extensions are uBlock, which I've tried toggling on or off or even disabling; Reddit Enhancement Suite, which I've tried disabling; an…
Creating a custom "Shield, Heavy Steel" with a +1 enhancement and adamantine material results in a check penalty of -2, the same as the base item. Adamantine implies masterwork, and +1 items must be m…
19:04:33.538 INFO main Main:140 Starting PCGen v6.07.08
19:04:33.922 INFO main LanguageBundle:134 Initialising language bundle with locale en_US.
19:05:24.42 LSTERROR main SourcedateLst:83 Err…
La commande Move_to est un peu trop monolithique. Il faudrait la transformer.
Actuellement, dans le module Pathfinder, on renvoie un objet RPG::MoveRoute. En gros, il faudrait fragmenter la méthode e…
System Information
MultiMC version:
Operating System:
Windows 10 x64
Summary of the issue or suggestion:
I could be wrong, but I believe older version had more than just 'Classic, Standard, and Heroic' dice rolling options.
I personally would like to see 4d6 reroll 1's (pretty sure it used to be in PC…
Something in 12e1b286ba07e653aeef2d7cb1aa3b3eb648d099 is causing a stack overflow when loading or creating a character.
# **You can write own ideas or questions in this issue.**
Diorite is just new project for Minecraft server, like we have spigot on many others less or more advanced ones.
So.. if we already have spig…