Hi, I have problem with trade offers after pulling #934 changes.
My trades stopped working and I tried to debug it by adding log messages for each `OnTradeOfferUpdated` call.
In the results I can se…
Im using steambot , and i have linked up a mobile auth from there , and can generate all 2Fa codes , and i have a question : is it possible to port the file from steam bot , to here without re-linking…
is it possible to add this to a steambot so he works the as before without escrow.
So login into a 2FA Account, Accept and Decline offers.
I get this error all the time I try to build the SteamBot project. I dont know what to do know. Can you help me? My error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1061 'ICallba…
Sometime i get this error:
return "android:" + Crypto.createHash('sha1').update(steamID.toString()).digest('hex')
See link at bottom. While trying a merger of /u/waylaidwanderer 's TradeOffersBot repo and vanilla SteamBot, I found a way to avoid some of the session and cookie issues that sometimes make this confi…
Hello Everyone! My bot does accept the trades, but is says that an Steam API error encountered, i have typed in the API Key in the Settings.json file.. This is the settings i use, is there anything wr…
Is there anyway to start the script as service/daemon or smth else so it runs the whole time in the background?
Right now im starting the bot via ssh and: sudo mono SteamBot.exe
advanced regards
I get like 30 of each of them every time I build it and I also have C:\Users\Me\Documents\SteamBot\SteamAuth\SteamAuth\Bin\Debug\SteamAuth.dll could not be found. If you could solve this error I would…
Hello Im getting this error after I build the solution. Im using monodevelop on osx.
/Users/judecalimbas/Mono/SteamBot/.nuget/NuGet.targets: Error: Command 'mozroots --import --sync;wget -O '/Use…