Hi, I searched about Sipeed Tang Nano and found this post: github.com/tomverbeure/tomverbeure.github.io/blob/tang_nano/_posts/2019-12-12-Sipeed-Tang-Nano-Getting-Started.md , but when I read the perso…
tried to run:
python3 -m litex_boards.targets.sipeed_tang_nano_4k --build --load --cpu-variant=minimal
with litex + gcc-riscv + ninja + migen installed. I have compiled everything, but…
I stay trying this: https://trabucayre.github.io/openFPGALoader/vendors/gowin.html with my tangnano 1k by sipeed with issue:
Error: Failed to claim FPGA device: mismatch between target's idc…
For each model. Like [this](https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/FeatureMatrix.html).
Is there any plans to support the Tang Nano 9k board?
sorry to bother you, haven't visited you for a long time, this time I want to ask all my friends, I want to ask how to add potentio function to ws2812bfx, thank you all
I just bought a [Tang Nano 1K](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002551785169.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.2.78981d42dwD89o) board, which to my surprise, was not the same thing as Tang …
Do you have a schematic for the CH552 download adapter? I can't order one from kadenken.com
Will it work for the Tang Nano?
Thank you.