I found a bug in the MPU6050 library.
When using I2CDEV_IMPLEMENTATION=I2CDEV_BUILTIN_FASTWIRE, the dmpInitialize functions hangs here:
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Waiting for FIFO count > 2..."));
I'm using MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h plus main lines of MPU6050_DMP6 to get roll out of the MPU6050. That works fine as long as pitch = zero. Code being that of the example:
bk4nt updated
5 years ago
I assume, that with the current release it is not possible tor read Quaternions from the DMP using a FullScaleAccelRange=1 (means +-4g) , and that changes would include more than just change the divis…
in MPU6050_6axis_motionApps20.h , around line 660 , in the dmpGetLinearAccel() ,
it multiplys 8192 for 2g sensitivity,
but for 2 byte raw data of acceleration , -32767~32767 for +- 2g , 1g is for 16…
Header files, such as "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h" should not contain function implementations. Implementations should go to a separate .cpp file.
This is important because of the way Arduino compi…
created issue to store all the necessary images
My sensors (MPU6050) return 0xC instead of 0x34 even though I modified getDeviceID to always return 0x34.
uint8_t MPU6050_Base::getDeviceID() {
I2Cdev::readBits(devAddr, MPU6050_RA_WHO_AM_I, MPU6050…
I saw your a comment (Run-time calibration routine is enabled which calibrates after no motion state is detected) in MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps_V6_12.h.
Dose it means that this code has MPL algorith…
您好, @JokerJohn ,使用livox horizon+内置imu建图时直接跑飞。请问有没有解决思路?