Example paper 17044
Is there a way of encoding repeats in MEI which verovio, and more particularly the verovio MIDI export understands?
Example work with one simple repeat (no separate second ending):
@kba asked me to put this comment from a private Gitter conversation into an issue:
> bzgl. "input PAGE-XML not having words" wäre mein Input, dass ich damit leben kann wenn PAGE ohne Word-Elemente…
Using examples taken from [issue](https://github.com/json-schema-faker/json-schema-faker/issues/11) and the great work done by @pateketrueke. I am unable to re-use generated data from other fields wit…
The example [schema](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-petstore/blob/v31/src/main/webapp/design-first/petstore.yaml) from the [Swagger Editor ](https://editor-next.swagger.io/) validates without …
This proposal
- takes #276 into account, and should also help to resolve #269.
Note that the `` element is no longer recursive here, but the `` element _is_. See the _Thoughts about Recursion_ below…
In the OCR-D workflow, there are several steps that likely require input or output to be able to represent __word segmentation ambiguity__ and confidence values of word boundaries (whitespace characte…
IMO we should strive to support much more validation and repair features in ocrd_validators.page_validator – esp. functionality known from [PRImA Converter and Validator](https://primaresearch.org/too…
Podľa dohody z 28. 7. 2021 bude využívaný formát ALTO na extrakciu plaintextu (ktorý sa ďalej spracováva nástrojmi NameTag a UDPipe) namiesto služby `https://kramerius.mzk.cz/search/api/v5.0/item//str…
Perhaps this is not an error.
Kind regards,
J. Barth