New AVR MCUs contain a list containing all interrupts, similar to the following (`attiny412.atdf`):
### Step 1: Describe your environment
* OS version: Windows 7
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.8
* MFRC522 Library version: V1.4.6
* Arduino device: ATtiny804
* MFRC522 device: MFRC522
Looks like you were going to define these for the following devices?:
Since AVR-GCC 8, the new tiny are supported: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-8/changes.html
If I do a `find /usr/local/Cellar/avr-gcc -iname "*attiny817*"` I do get the following:
Surprisingly in the long list of supported Atmel chips, these chips not currently supported.
I'm able to burn a bootloader to an ATMEGA4809 (40 pin DIP) using jtag2updi, but when I try to upload a sketch I get the subject error:
avrdude: AVR Part "atmega4809{upload.workaround}" not foun…
A support of the MegaCoreX will helpful because there are other boards with MegaAvr0 chips,
(Curiosity Nano, ATmega4809 Xplained Pro ...) which are not supported by Arduino directly.