Submitting Author Name: Mark Padgham
Submitting Author Github Handle: @mpadge
Repository: https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgmatch
Version submitted: 0.4.2
Submission type: Standard
``` json
"preferred_name": "Iris",
"csulb_email": "iris.flores02@student.csulb.edu",
"pronouns": "she/her",
"previous_gis_experience": " Undergraduate GIS c…
Submitting Authors:
- Rachel Wong (@rachelywong)
- Yiki Su (@YikiSu)
- Aidan Mattrick (@aidanmattrick)
- Kevin (@kshahnazari1998)
Repository: [remoodji](https://github.com/UBC-MDS/remoodji)
Submitting Author Name: Weicheng Sun
Submitting Author Github Handle: @WeichengSun
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none)
Repository: https://github.com/Weich…
Submitting Author: Claire Lunch (@cklunch)
All current maintainers: (@cklunch, @bhass-neon, @znickerson8)
Package Name: neonutilities
One-Line Description of Package: neonutilities is a package for…
Submitting Author: Andreas Dutzler (@adtzlr)
All current maintainers: (@adtzlr)
Package Name: FElupe
One-Line Description of Package: Finite element analysis for continuum mechanics of solid bodies…
Submitting Author Name: William Gearty
Submitting Author Github Handle: @willgearty
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none) @sckott, @maelle
Repository: https://git…
Submitting Author Name: Brian Park
Submitting Author Github Handle: @realbp
Repository: https://github.com/getwilds/cancerprof
Version submitted: 0.1.0
Submission type: Standard
Editor: @lde…
name: tweetr
about: Use this template to submit software for review
Submitting Author: Yuan Xiong (@yuanxiongbear)
Other Authors: Huanhuan Li (@huan-ds), Yuanzhe(Marco) Ma (@mmyz88)…
It is possible to pass an argument when instantiating an `ElsClient` to set the the number of results to retrieve with each request. The `num_res` property is correctly set, but is unused; the first …