Opened via [gitter](https://gitter.im/coala/coala/?at=589153724c04e9a44e56609a) by @jayvdb
Opened via [gitter](https://gitter.im/coala/coala/?at=589152df5309d6b358924240) by @jayvdb
There is already a bear that seems to use _formatR_: https://github.com/coala/coala-bears/blob/master/bears/r/FormatRBear.py .
There is (I think a self-hosted) version that integrates with github.
People are installing coala and wondering why they're not getting bears. the coala package should just contain something useful for users, which is effectively coala-bears :)
the lightning talk was great and I wanna have this kind of functionality in coala (coala-analyzer.org). coala provides a full user interaction with CI, editor plugins and all that so you don't h…
Hello! I would like to debate with you the idea of evolving the coala-html project into a true GUI for coala. At the moment, we use coala-html only to see the result of running coala on a directory an…
https://github.com/coala/coala-html is a nice project, but it is an angular application which limits its user scenario and popularity. Users have to install and run an angular application to see the r…
Rename these files and functions
This is to avoid breakages and bad merges.