in http-ilp, the client generates a `Pay-Token`, which needs to be sent as data on each payment, and which is unrelated to the shared secret.
It looks like the token is added as data in the ILP pac…
`five-bells-shared` is being included in a number of places (such as https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp-plugin-bells/pull/81) just for schemas and schema validation. It would be better if the schema…
We think of Interledger as an ILP layer on top of a ledger layer. That means that for instance paychan settlement claims are more low-level than the sha256 hashlocks used by ILP, even if manual out-of…
### Why?
- **Consistency** - ILP and ILQP are in OER so you already need a (de)serializer to use Interledger and using OER for this protocol would mean we wouldn't even have a dependency on having …
Currently, we can probably expect all five-bells-ledger instances to run version 19.4.2, which [means they use](https://github.com/interledgerjs/five-bells-ledger/blob/v19.4.2/package.json#L40) versio…
After doing all the things when i execute this command on docker as follows:
> docker run -d -e LEDGER_PORT=1337 -e LEDGER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -e LEDGER_DB_URI=postgres://postgres:password@…
User A sends money to user B using five bells ledger plugin and SPSP (the example code in ilp client repo - https://github.com/interledgerjs/ilp/blob/master/README.md#simple-payment-setup-protocol-sps…
The `.ledger` field is always equal to the 'prefix' query parameter
The `.to` field is always ledger + other peer's public key
The `.direction` field in a Transfer is always "outgoing"
Getting this error when running ILP Kit on an empty database.
[ledger] 2017-05-10T23:19:48.020Z ledger:app error error: relation "L_LU_REJECTION_REASON" does not exist
[ledger] at Connect…
Currently, a lot of information about a FiveBells ledger can be obtained by looking at the ledgerUri, for instance: https://red.ilpdemo.org/ledger
In order for clients to know how to interact with …