Some editions only have a Gregorian date, there is no need to show a Hijri or Shamsi date. Currently, if it's missing a Hijri date, the entry shows "NO DATA".
See examples below:
- Where only Gr…
please Do something about Jalali Dates to make it perfect
**Describe the bug**
I set the culture info in startup.configure as follows:
var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("fa-IR");
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
Is this possible? Or is just the grogrean calendar supported for event calendar?
Thanks in advanced.
i have problem with the font itself (failed to open the file)
can you give me any kind of guidance because this is the only plugin supports arabic and rtl
i nedd Solar Hijri calendar (shamsi calendar) datepicker on my form.
how i can change it?
### Describe the problem
In some countries, such as Iran, the official calendar is defined differently. In these countries, daily work is done with a local calendar.
In the geographical region of…
As your widget support Hijri calendar please add support for hijri shamsi or jalalian calndar that can be found in some other libraries like:
How to use Shamsi date or Hijri date or others types of calendars on date picker component ?
Are there solution for this problem?
This is not small problem !
Best regards.