Accidentally stumbled upon this during one training using Instruqt's platform. `.aws` is usually/conv…
Understand how to develop on instruqt as a team, instead of solo contributer.
### Problem Summary
This is regarding step 8 of the intro exercise.
The instruction is kind of vague regarding step 6, I am assuming it meant to change the "hosts" to use automationhub, instead of u…
[Lab 1, Step 2](https://hashicorp.github.io/service-mesh-training/exercises/lab-01/02-install-consul/#step-2-install-consul) fails within instruqt:
I am just completing the Manage user access and content policies using private automation hub lab module at https://www.redhat.com/en/interactive-labs/ansible and the curator and marie logincr…
The apache service is not started in the `open and close the gates` challenge in the service-mesh-with-consul instruqt track. It has to be manually cycled.
We would like to have playgrounds for Unguard so that users can easily test out the different functionality and see how the microservices work together (similar to the [HipsterShop](https://github.com…
After adding TLS configuration in Lab 2, command "curl -k $APP_URL/not-secured/get" fails with "404 Not Found".
Show the basic commands for reading and writing secrets with the Vault CLI
## Tasks
* Write a secret to Vault
* Read a secret from Vault
* List secrets in Vault
#### Overview of the Issue
The "Configure Consul Connect service mesh CA in your Instruqt tutorial" is broken and I believe this to be a bug on a real deployed service too.
#### Reproduction S…