In some cases, data is batched on the client side before sending it to Kinesis via a PutRecord request. (For instance, the data blob may be a json array containing objects that should each be handled…
I have created a ML project based upon same approach as Taxi fare project, my dataset is cleaned however not as large as Taxi fare input.
The code works well in terms of compilation and runnin…
Compared to iTransformer, I noticed that you increased the number of training epochs for Traffic. Based on my experimental results, under the same 10 epochs, there is no significant difference between…
Hello, I am interested in your proposed iTransformer, but found that your example only works for timing signals, what I want to know is if it can be used for images, e.g. the inputs are [b,c,w,h],b st…
I have been following the tutorial on "Sentiment Analysis" (https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/dotnet/machine-learning/tutorials/sentiment-analysis), which is really nice, interesting and useful.…
How to use custom dataset to train own model or that's just a architecture?
Anybody try to do some experiences in your own dataset?
legacylauncher/launchwrapper is bad modlauncher is good, mkay.
- [ ] Use ForgeGradle 3.0 in all branches
- [x] Update to Mixin 0.8
- [ ] Create a [UserDev](/ImpactDevelopment/UserDev) distributio…
I've noticed that the users of [ML.NET](https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning) continuously have had problems when using the `PermutationFeatureImportance` API with models created with `AutoML`. F…
### System information
- OS version/distro: Windows 10
- .NET Version (eg., dotnet --info): .NET8.0
### STEP1
I created project [ **TaxiFarePrediction.Console** ] with net8.0 ;
it has codef…
### System information
- Windows Server 2016
- .NET Version 3.1.300
### Issue
I'm trying to do MultiClass LbfgsMaximumEntropy Re-training
When trying to Fit new data, I get System.InvalidOper…