Using Voltageshift, we can further aggressively manage offsets of mv to further save battery life. These can be set to run on boot using the 'buildlaunchd' command. Further, they can be tested with us…
Hotkeys are all reported with value 0x80:
# acpi_listen
59142400-C6A3-40� 00000080 00000000
59142400-C6A3-40� 00000080 00000000
Based on a decompiled BMOF, I've found that some …
在基于 ARM64 的 Windows 设备上(比如Matebook E Go、Surface Pro X、thinkpad X13s、MacBook),虽然可以用转义运行 Clash Verge,但是速度慢而且不能正常使用TUN模式。
希望可以在 Releases 构建时增加一个 Windows ARM64 的包。
Hi there,
I`m using Lively Wallpaper on my Matebook D14, running Windows 11. When the computer is not used for a long time, the desktop starts flickering with white bricks every time. All that hel…
Just made a fresh install of Catalina 10.15.2 and it seems to work fine except of sleep which it doesn't even successfully enter. The Matebook X pro has a 1T 970 Evo SSD. Any pointers would be much ap…
So I recently got a new laptop (Huawei Matebook X Pro) and I'm installing all my normal programs but for some reason all the columns in the program look [like this](https://imgur.com/a/CoFnjha). Is th…
please can you tell me what is working with this EFI?
I've done all the steps and it only accepts the 3D-Acceleration. It asks "Not recommended blabla" i press yes but after a game restart it's deactivated again.
Huawei Matebook X Pro 2019
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