I bought a nrf52832 model ttgo t wristband. I did not program with mpu9250 example or lms91d example. it did not work.
Arduino ide give says ;
Sketch uses 719322 bytes (54%) of program s…
I'm using a custom board designed around nRF52832. Basic blinky works but the following code which used BLE as a serial port, doesn't.
platform = nordicnrf52
framework = arduino…
I followed the exact steps mention to compile the bootloader. I also installed **GnuMake**.
I am using **8 2018-q4-major** version as _ARM GCC ToolChain_. Platform: _Windows 10_
_PATH_ variables ar…
Hi! My remote works fine with other stuff, just not with one of the adafruit chips. Has anyone got experience with this error?
PIO Core CLI is installed on RPI4 and also te target is connected to t…
I use a NRF52832 module with P0.01 as SDA and P0.05 as SCL. After I've installed https://github.com/mysensors/ArduinoBoards I got an error: The current selected board needs the core 'sandeepmistry:nRF…
Hi Trond,
after some search why the code doesn't hvx to a host device, I found that in mesh_gatt.c in function mesh_value_char_add the characteristic write type must be with response in order to get …
After I choose the board, and press compile, it tell me the error:
[48765] Failed to execute script __main__
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "nordicsemi/__main__.py", line 315, in
I was attempting to get the SD card working with an nRF52832 and found an issue where it is different from the nRF52833 and nRF52840 in an otherwise shared driver. Specifically, the nRF52832 can only …
Imported from https://github.com/brilliantlabsAR/monocle-micropython/issues/282
The nRF52832 supports a "System ON" mode where the MCU is expected to only draw 2.0µA of power, where a Bluetooth eve…
Hi, I'm porting my firmware from Zephyr to Rust, and I'm stopped because the `read_until_idle` call is blocking forever.
My task is:
pub async fn init_gps_event_c…