gretting,dear organizer
Hello, sorry to disturb you,the two link of dataset download [NTIRE 2020 RWSR dataset] and[[NTIRE div8k dataset]](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/22220#participa…
Hi, @yhjo09.
Can i get the license info about DownSample2DMatlab function [here](https://github.com/yhjo09/ciplab-NTIRE-2020/blob/82598444613429b845c401ad563bc79a98c74614/utils.py#L98)? Thanks.
It says "... while at least maintaining PSNR of 29.13dB" on the Overview page, but it also says "... while at least maint…
Could you include support for some of the models included in this link?
specially for higher PSNR? Restormer MPRNet MST-L MST++
Thanks a lot for your work!
When the paper will be released ?
Best Regards!
Thanks a lot for your work! When the paper will be released more or less? Thanks in advance,
I use a small data set and the running memory is large enough. Why does it show that the running memory is insufficient?
**RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 384.00 MiB (GPU 0; 31.75…
gretting,dear organizer
Hello, sorry to disturb you,the link of dataset download [NTIRE 2020 RWSR dataset](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/22220#participate) is out of date,i try a lot …