> 第一遍, 通读全文,了解内容
> 第二遍,针对性阅读,并记录心得
> 第三遍,理论结合实践
## ref
- [Deep learning papers reading roadmap](https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning…
I received a message from Instagram about automated content detection. How can I avoid this?
# Description
Testing the 4.8.1 -> 4.9.0 AIX upgrade, I found a possible error in the ossec.conf file generated, as it is duplicating the `ca_store` tag of the `active_response` block
The rpmnew…
BMN how generate .npy file for train?
全量模型包括mobilenet pclnet resnet在ucf101或者k-400上的模型,请求给个连接,现在全不分散在各处,不太好找
i am using ch_ppocr_mobile_v1.1_rec_train.tar model and exported to fluid model and wanted to convert to onnx model. but failes with below error:
paddle.__version__ = 1.8.5
Now, paddle2onnx…
[24.08.2023 12:07:58] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:07:58] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
[24.08.2023 12:08:06] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:08:06] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
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