I'm trying to install nextflow but when I execute the comand "nextflow run main_AMR++.nf -profile conda" , this happens:
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'FAST_AMRplusplus:FASTQ_QC_WF:multiqc (Ru…
How is the frequency or copy number of resistance genes calculated for each sample in the obtained output table, and based on which screening is made.
Thanks for developing this tool! I'm looking to run it with nanopore long reads. Have you tried using it for that before? Could you share any experiences or insights regarding its application…
I tried the latest AMR++(v3.0.1) code and still got an error but this time
with a different error.
It showed :Error executing process >
'FAST_AMRplusplus:FASTQ_RESISTOME_WF:runrarefaction (Virome1)…
Development of the oral resistome during the first decade of life – Smitha Sukumar et al. – Nature Communications 2023
In previous releases we have had improperly formatted download files for mbio on the eda site, so we put up a warning about it in the downloads tab. Many of these studies (maybe all?) have been reload…
I'm facing some issue when I'm trying to run AMR++ with my own reads. These reads were downloaded from SRA as I am trying to make an analysis pipeline which incorporates AMR++ and am using down…
Found testing with a local eda on FARMM. Tried two collections and got same error
Rserve started in non-daemon mode.
[1] "starting correlation computation"
2023-12-18 12:21:52 Co…
Thank you very much for publishing this tool.
I'm testing your tool and I'm wondering what you think about the final bins. I used this side script (concatenation.py) and it seems that it only concat…
When running: