I am trying to extract dataframes from queries in Wikidata.
For instance, this code from an example in Wikidata works to extract dictionary of countries:
`# pip install sparqlwrapper …
I saw this repo mentioned in https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper/issues/125. Very cool. Here's the heart of the conversion:
SPARQLWrapper's way to judge given query's type is to match clauses with regex patterns. So I'm trying to use [`from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import parseQuery, parseUpdate`](https://github.com/RD…
When RDFlib graph is used as a temporal storage it seams that the backend leaks memory, the problem doesn't apear with the default RDFlib backend.
Is there a proper way to cleanup all the memory us…
Python 3.8
Seznam použitých balíčků:
Flask (python web server)
SPARQLWrapper (Wrapper pro SPARQL - kupodivu)
There is a script called `sparql.py` in `scripts` (https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper/blob/master/scripts/sparql.py) but if I install sparqlwrapper with pip, the script is not added to my path.
AFAICT, there is no simple way to use sparqlwrapper to insert an rdflib Graph object via query.
The current (non-automated) process involves exporting the Knowledge Graph into `graph.ttl` and then manually importing that into GraphDB
RDFLib and its SPARQLWrapper have functionality to upload t…
Hello -- just learning and may not know sytack -- but the example
up:Disease_Annotation {
a [ up:Disease_Annotation ] ;
up:sequence [ up:Chain_Annotation up:Modified_Sequence ] ;