I'm following along with the README and noticed a weird interaction between coalton and ASDF, whereby coalton gets confused if I try to reload it after restarting my inferior lisp (sbcl). For example:…
pp-haskell pretty prints for example
Prelude.\* to Prelude[space].\* which is not correct anymore
用語が分からないのですが、 `int ref` と `char ref` を両方オーバーロードに使うと重複チェックにひっかかります(そして #36 で落ちる)。片方だけや、 `int` と `int ref` を両方だけ指定した時など落ちません。
``` sml
(* overload.smi *)
_require "basis.smi"
val intRefToString:…
KeenS updated
3 years ago
4 out of the 5 test failures in the recent haskell-src-exts issue https://github.com/haskell-suite/haskell-src-exts/issues/448 seems to be new pretty-show not willing to prettify the result.
One of…
There is no check of well formedness on type constructors.
See the following
shm is reporting a parse error; `shm/test-exe` says:
[["Decl SrcSpanInfo" FunBind 1 1 17 39]["Match SrcSpanInfo" Match 1 1 17 39]["Name SrcSpanInfo" Ident 1 1 1 7]["Pat SrcSpanInfo" PVar 1 8 1 12…
type aliasなどでどの型がどの型と等しいか分からない/環境によって違うことがある(将来ありうる)ので重複チェックは無い方がうれしいかもしれません。あるいは見た目が違うなら許すなど。
KeenS updated
3 years ago
I had a thought that this would be useful for some problem I'm trying to solve, but I'm not sure if it's feasible or useful for others. I'm opening this issue to attract commentary and other use-cases…
A proof about a function needs to have the implementation details of the function. In `singletons`, functions are type families, and type families must expose all their equations (AKA their implementa…