### Environment
**Vuetify Version:** 2.2.17
**Vue Version:** 2.6.11
**Browsers:** Opera 67.0.3575.78
**OS:** Windows 10
### Steps to reproduce
Click on one checkbox
### Expected Behavior
### Environment
nuxt 3
### Reproduction
i use https://vuetifyjs.com/en/features/treeshaking/#treeshaking for webpack and this is not working
### Describe the bug
I use webpa…
It would be very nice, if there would be also a link to vutify documentation besides the router and vuex docs.
When importing through typescript in an ESM project, there's no default export type. Using `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` can fix it, but it changes the runtime import signatures of all CJS dependenci…
### Environment
**Vuetify Version:** 3.0.0-beta.0
**Vue Version:** 3.2.31
**Browsers:** Chrome 99.0.4844.82
**OS:** Windows 10
### Steps to reproduce
- Installing vue and vutify with vite
### Problem to solve
hi !
vutify is greate but i think snackbar can improve more!
by a linear loading in bottom of snackbar !such as gmail app snackbar
thanks a lot :)
### Proposed solution
- [x] フロントに必要なモジュールのインストール(node, npm, Vue, Vutify)
- [x] Vueの実行環境の設定
- [x] トップページの作成
#I need to customize the header, title, subtitle of a < b-card >, however I am not able to find information on which class the component uses to make the changes. Could someone help me with this infor…