How to train with yolov3-spp.cfg?
Should I modified the yolov3-spp.cfg same as yolov3.cfg? such as params classes and filters
and use pre-trained weights for the convolutional layers as yolov3 https…
##### System information (version)
I can currently use the DNN module to call **Darknet's yolov3.weights**, but when I call **yolov3-spp.weights**, such an **error** occurs. I want to know is it …
When I try to convert a custom model to tflite model, I am getting all nan
[{'name': 'input_1', 'index': 0, 'shape': array([ 1, 416, 416, 3], dtype=int32), 'shape_signature': array([ -1, 41…
Hi, @AlexeyAB, I try to convert your yolov3-spp weights to onnx and accelerate it with tensorRT. I accelerated yolov3 model in pjreddie's darknet successfully. But when i imitate yolov3-spp, after spe…
@AlexeyAB Hi,
if I am going to train yolov3-5l.cfg and csresnext50-pancet-spp..cfg, is the modification the same as that with yolov3.cfg?
Is the pretraining weight used by the yolov3-5l.cfg still …
can i just modify the cfg file(yolov3-tiny.cfg) add spp module to use yolov3-tiny-spp by default yolov3-tiny.conv.15 weights
Hi Folks, Hi @AlexeyAB,
i try to understand what's the difference between all the configs provided in this repo, but i dont get it. Maybe someone can explain whats the difference and why i should u…
python3 normal_prune.py --data data/coco2017.data --weights yolov3_SPP_best.pt --cfg yolov3-spp3.cfg --percent 0.2
Namespace(batch_size=8, cfg='yolov3-spp3.cfg', data='data/coco2017.data', img_…
When I'm running python3 normal_prune.py
I get this error
TypeError: 'MaxPool2d' object is not subscriptable
can someone help? please
Different approaches of mAP (mean average precision) calculation:
1. `-map_points 101` for [MS COCO](http://cocodataset.org)
2. `-map_points 11` for [PascalVOC 2007](http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pasc…