when i import any component from root example `import { Button } from "svelte-materialify";` increased size of the bundles (js and css). +200kb css and 30kb js. how i can decrease its size? when i us…
Currently, I have an issue:
arguments: [ Notice! Your application bundle the whole package of kaltura-xxx-client (either rxjs/ngx/typescript), please refer to the library `readme.md`…
Based on [Dexie Bundle phobia](https://bundlephobia.com/package/dexie@3.2.2) it's minified bundle size is 83KB, GZIPed 26KB. Dexie is a great library and has a lot of features, but its bundle size is …
The checkout sdk accounts for a very significant portion of our bundle size...
![Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 12 30 08 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6979315/100473411-4d0ae580-30ac-11eb-…
### Description
I am building a javascript widget that makes use of VideoJS to play videos, after bundling the file, I noticed that VideoJS contributed to more than half of the entire project size. I…
First of all, thanks for this great starter. I enjoy it a lot and it helped me rewrite my blog quickly. One thing I realized when analyzing the build bundle was this.
Thanx a lot for a great library, it does job really well!
One thing that I've noticed - large bundle size - [32kB](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=vue-slick-carousel@1.0.5) vs [5kB](https:…
We made an attempt here: https://github.com/transmute-industries/material-did/pull/3
We need help from someone more experience with rollup / typescript / material-ui.
You can see their approach …
## Feature Request
Consider the total library size.
### Problem description
Fluent is significantly larger than comparable options, including it's spiritual predecessor SUIR. (244kb gzipped vs 83…