Hey, so i am a little new to the project and was not exactly sure if the addition that i wished to make went hand in hand with the overall goal of this project but a few days earlier i was working on …
Thankyou for this project. Can you please add an example for facial expression detection
The spatial transformer network was applied to the input ?
Only 55% acc on FER2013 Database ?
What's wrong with it ???
Have you got a pre-treained model for the CK+ dataset? Only fer2013 models are in the models folder.
Getting below error on CPU machine:
RuntimeError: Attempting to deserialize object on a CUDA device but torch.cuda.is_available() is False. If you are running on
a CPU-only machine, please use tor…
![test (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56304705/88749655-53cd2e80-d186-11ea-9df1-7e4d1c8ad0ce.png)
FER2013 is the dataset for Face Expression Recognition.
7 class classification.
It's looks better for tutorial than CIFAR10.
您好,您方便写一份绘制“这份代码的loss、acc曲线图”的代码吗(FER2013 Dataset)?以便大家参考一下。我是个初学者,还不太会写,改网上其他人绘制loss、acc曲线图的代码不知道从哪下手。
I have tried to run the code with the train and test data from Kaggle, but it went wrong when running the main.py for training the model, and I found the problem is that the plain_dataset() in data_lo…