A theme from typography.js works with Material UI 3.x, but the theme may not be applied once I upgraded to Material UI 4.x.
Here is a codesandbox on how to reproduce the bug:
I am trying to implement this plugin to work with my self hosted videos. Currently getting 'Error: Unable to find plugin "gatbsy-remark-videos". Perhaps you need to install its package?' error during …
### Preliminary Checks
- [X] This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues: https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues
- [X] This issue is not a question,…
I added one more language to the Starter. It broke many things at once:
- the second page in the Blogs returns 404
- Blog posts mix up with pages like "contact" and "about"
- some pictures don't …
# 🚀 오픈
1.gatsby-starter-hoodie theme 사용하여 블로그 생성 프로젝트 구조 아래 프로젝트 구조를 참고하여 커스터마이징 할 수 있습니다 🙊.
When I do `gatsby develop` I get the following error:
I'm very new to gatsby and I can't find a solution for this.
I tried to make sure everything is up to date by doing: `npm update` but didnt work…
## The dependency [gatsby](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby) was updated from `2.3.12` to `2.3.13`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/Developerayo/shodipoayomide.com/compare/master...Deve…
Should look like this with header on the top
Just the blog listing page, not the author
Started fresh to give TinaCMS a try. This is the error after an npm install and running `gatsby develop`
When using react-helmet without the Gatsby plugin, the rendering process goes nuts. It should be added by default to the starter kit.
Created via [Raycast](https://www.raycast.com?ref=signatureGit…