when trying to test the Pilz Planner in ROS 2 with the UR, I noticed `joint_limits.yaml` in the ROS 2 driver specifies the limits with regard to a generic name (e.g. wrist_3, wrist_2 etc) inste…
# Versions
- ROS Driver version:Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver
- ubuntu18.04+ros melodic
- fmauch_universal_robot(calibration_devel)
# Problem
I downloaded files from https://github.com/fmauch/…
here is the info
[ 82%] Built target ur3_kin
Scanning dependencies of target ur3_moveit_plugin
[ 83%] Building CXX object fmauch_universal_robot/ur_kinematics/CMakeFiles/ur3_moveit_plugin.dir/src/u…
First, i'd like to thank you for your hard work around this project.
I tried to implement your trajectory generation package as a command planner.
I followed the following steps :
- Added …
The next objective in term of supported robot types (from the [ROSIN project](https://www.rosin-project.eu/ftp/ros2-for-the-e-puck2-robot)] goals) are:
- [x] Differential-wheel robot: Generic node.…
`robot_sim.robots.ur3_dual.ur3_dual.py` 内の `gen_meshmodel` 関数の定義で呼び出されている `self.lft_hnd.gen_meshmodel`と`self.rgt_hnd.gen_meshmodel` の引数が間違っているようです.原因は`robot_sim.end_effectors.grippers.robotiq85.roboti…
I am trying a domain and a problem with ROSPLAN, but I get errors on the domain and the problem.
I am using the popf planner. The domain and the problem I wrote them and tested using vscode. I test…
Hello, I've achieved an accurate calibration of my UR3 arm using your package, but when I'm publishing TF afterwards the end effector of the arm is misplaced. Here's how the setup looks, both live and…
Hi, we are using robo-gym on imitation learning. We are using the simulated environment 'EndEffectorPositioningURSim-v0', ur3. It's a very powerful tool.
In our case, we want to reset the environme…
**Describe the bug**
If I enter a filepath to a custom events ps1-file, the script fails with:
Command Invoke-After... was not found
**Help us reproduce the bug**
Version of the connector you ar…