Submitting Author:
- Chad Neald: @ChadNeald
- Dustin Burnham: @dusty736
- Kangbo Lu: @KangboLu
- Debananda Sarkar: @debanandasarkar
Package Name:
One-Line Description of Package: A fun Py…
Submitting Author:
- Justin Fu (@jufu)
- Selma Duric (@d-sel)
- Zeliha Ural Merpez (@zmerpez)
- Siqi Zhou (@roycezhou)
Package Name: instaeda
One-Line Description of Package: Quick and easy…
Submitting Author: Sufang Tan [@Kendy-Tan](https://github.com/Kendy-Tan), Jasmine Ortega [@JasmineOrtega](https://github.com/jasmineortega), Ho Kwan Lio [@stevenlio88](https://github.com/stevenlio88…
Thanks for sharing your work. While running the model I found a few issues:
1. If I understand correctly, I should first run the retriever with `eval_mhop_retrieval.py` , then process the…
Let's say in the movielens dataset I have another column where each row is the list of the last 100 movies clicked by that user.
Submitting Author: Yili Tang (@tangyl92)
All current maintainers: Weilin Han, Ian MacCarthy, Beth Ouyang (@WeilinHan8, @ianm99, @beth-ouyang)
Package Name: dscigametrics
One-Line Description of Pac…
Hi people,
In this issue I will track the progress for the first version of Vulkan support for Gorgonia as [proposed by 0x0f0f0f](https://github.com/gorgonia/gorgonia/issues/454). This is not an ex…
Submitting Author: Mona Zhu (@monazhu)
All current maintainers: (@juliaeveritt, @hchqin @joeywwwu)
Package Name: Hexdropper
One-Line Description of Package: A Python package designed for graphic de…
Submitting Author: Alan, Chris, Nicole, Rafe
All current maintainers: @alanpow, @chrisgqy, @Nicole-Tu97, @rafecchang
Package Name: financial_analyzer
One-Line Description of Package: financial_anal…
Submitting Author: Scout McKee, Jordan Cairns, Sid Grover (@jcairn02, @scout-mckee, @killerninja8)
All current maintainers: (@jcairn02, @scout-mckee, @killerninja8)
Package Name: datexplore