Currently, we have the Solr files maintained in this repo, as a reference for users to be able to stand up Solr search for their WebAPI instance.
As there are quite a bit of configuration changes …
I am currently working on transforming HL7-CDA documents from the Austrian EHR system "ELGA" to the OMOP CDM. Since most of the locations I am currently working with, are located I Austria, I tried to…
when loading data into database table using the provided sql file, it throws some errors as follow.
A set of rules should be visible on a single page (as opposed to the pagination currently required).
Consideration could also be given to colour coding domains and allowing filtering by domain
The ODK makefile identified inconsistencies due to OMRSE terms in the production turbo ontology now being obsolete. These are related to identity datums. Deleting these for now in the odk-imports bran…
eg: sofa, ventilation, sepsis....
There is 3 way of doing:
1. use the fact_relationship table, add them in observation, or measurement, and link them to the right table
2. add them as ne…
The Vaccine Ontology (VO) is a community-based biomedical ontology in the domain of vaccine and vaccination. VO systematically standardizes and integrates various vaccines, vaccine components, vaccine…
**Describe the problem in content or desired feature:**
The current ICD10CM to SNOMED mappings lose granularity between initial encounter, subsequent encounter, and sequelae. Specifically, for the us…
This ETL allows local user to download and convert-at-many sites
How about convert-once and allow sites to download the converted dataset.
This would save MIMIC users some effort and make MIMIC …
In the original project, we looked at a cohort that was enriched in but not exclusively composed of asthma patients. This type of cohort would be good to have for a larger project.
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