Should we add `Either` to the stdlib?
The case for isn't overwhelming as we already have `Result` which covers a lot of the common uses, but I've been looking at Arrows, Selective Functors and Prof…
From issue#633 it appears that `stack` is required from building `postgrest`, but I can't seem to find any direction on building `stack` from source at http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_a…
This probably needs backslashes to escape the slashes
product-profunctors is one of the very last packages blocking
* https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stackage/issues/6897
So it would be awesome if it were updated.
th-abstraction- ([changelog](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/th-abstraction- (Ryan Scott @RyanGlScott) is out of bounds for:
- [x] aeson- (>= && < 0.5). Ad…
Define exponential objects. Essentially this is just defining the presheaf
((a =>^P b)(c) = C [ c \times a , b ])
But doing that most cleanly would use some operations on functors (lam/app for …
Please follow the steps below for reporting a bug:
Make sure that you are using the latest release (currently stack-1.9.3).
See the [upgrade instructions](http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/in…
I tried to install the latest version but ran into some errors. Here is what I tried, in a Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:22.04
# Install prerequisites
RUN apt-get update && \
Add `Profunctor` to base with a quantified superclass
{-# Language QuantifiedConstraints #-}
class (forall a. Functor (pro a)) => Profunctor pro where
This depends on a…
Following on from the reddit discussion at: https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/icm66e/abstracting_over_applicative_alternative/
A couple of thoughts about how `product-profunctors` could bet…