RuntimeError: error executing torch_shm_manager at "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/bin/torch_shm_manager" at ../torch/lib/libshm/core.cpp:99
When using `python train.py --train=yes --evaluate=yes` it gives the following error:
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 118, in
File "train.py", line 57, i…
Firstly, download the pre-trained model from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Oy_9YmpkSKX1Q8jkOhJbz3Mc7qjyISzU and then put it in the "FER2013_VGG19" folder; Next, Put the test image (rename as 1.jpg…
I have try to train 3 expression, 3,4,6: Sad,Happy and Neutral.
But why i run predict a certain image, it predicts "Angry".
Can i change image_height and image_width to 256 x 256 to improve the a…
Hi justin,
Great work! I wonder do you have the accuracy result when you train the data? thanks.
The converter is outputting negative paddings in the graph whenever "same" padding is encountered. The model I used is the minixception model (accessible [here](https://github.com/oarriaga/face_classi…
您好,在mainpro_fer.py里的测试集有做tencrop, 可是好像没有fold?我理解的是您将测试集扩大了十倍,然后有十个fold求平均,对fer2013的测试集好像只做了扩大10倍的操作.这里不太懂,不知道是我漏了哪没看,想请教请教您.谢啦~
Hi, I have some problems in optimizer param. I run the optimize_hyperparams.py with max_evals=20, but still cannot get the acc of 75.1%. In fact, my results always under 70%.
Is the value of max_eva…