``` js
var ws = fs.createWriteStream('./test/dir/test_download.txt');
ws.on('error', function(err){
ws.on('close', function(){
console.log('done download');
Could we consider making this character nonbinary? 1) representation is Good™ 2) potentially more options for non-conforming fashion choices and other characteristics
Thanks for releasing the codes for URNNG!
But when I ran your codes with the full PTB (the first several lines of which matched with your sample datasets), I got an IndexError.
After run…
Hello! I really like MAS! I have a small suggestion to make the game better and make each Monika feel more personal. I'm non-binary and I use neopronouns. Since there are tons of neopronouns sets that…
Gender field options on registration should be updated to:
- `Male`
- `Female`
- `Non-Binary / Third Gender`
- `Other`
- `Prefer Not to Answer`
As someone who identifies as a different gender from the binary, I have noticed that the area where your nickname is located that there are no other options besides male or female. Some people…
Search over blobs should not be case-sensitive:
> A binary string is case-sensitive in comparisons. To compare the string as case in…
이모티콘(Emoji)은 일반적으로 그림이 나타내는 바와 이모티콘에 해당하는 글자 코드가 충분히 대응됩니다. 이는 이모티콘이 로드되지 않거나, 이모티콘을 볼 수 없는 사람들을 위해 스크린 리더 등의 장비가 읽을 수 있도록 하기 위함입니다.
마스토돈의 커스텀 이모티콘은 사용자가 자유롭게 이모티콘을 추가할 수 있다는 점은 좋으나, 서버의 운영이 흐르다보면 …
g = detector.get_gender(name, country)
if …
It looks like the French translation of Mastodon is managed by people who are wanting to promote/enforce the "gender-neutral" thing. Despite some people may feel hurt by this, the "gender neutral" for…