Hi @hmph and @cdoersch,
Thanks for releasing the dataset. Is it also possible to release the 2D keypoints used for fitting, too? Thanks!
Hello, I want to ask about the ESP GAME data set. Where did you get it? If you can, can you give me a copy? I have not found the data set you used on the Internet. Thank you
Very impressive work! I'm wondering if you have compared the proposed way of learning the attribute vector (by classification) with the way in [1] (by simply using the difference between the mean feat…
Hi Xinntao,
I was curious if you have compared the trained deblurred model on GOPRO [1] or DVD [2] datasets? -- previously established benchmarks for deblurring. I was running the inference for ED…
Hi, I test cnngeo_vgg16_tps.pth.tar on the PF-WILLOW dataset, the result (PCK 51.28%) is different with your CVPR 2017 paper (PCK 42.8%). If the two models are trained on the same dataset?
Thank you very much for your great work ,but I have some problem when trying to evaluate the results on S3DIS with test.py you provided.
According to the original paper of PointNet(http://openaccess.…
Is [Google CVPR 2017](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Dekel_On_the_Effectiveness_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf) on roadmap ?
Some DOI's missed :
- None
- https://doi.org/10.1109/cvpr.2016.90 may be missing for title: Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
- https://doi.org/10.110…