I’m experiencing an app crash with the espresso driver that does not occur when running the app under normal conditions. The error is as follows:
[debug] [Espresso] [Instrumentation] Process c…
`D/StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.LeakedClosableViolation: A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See java.io.Closeable for information on …
## Observed Behavior
imageView.load(imageUrl) {
error(R.drawable.image_error) // This is not Kotlin's error function
- [x] json browse tree
- [ ] ~~store json in firebase storage~~
- [ ] ~~indicate which items are added already~~
- [x] recent section at top?
- [x] save and restore current state when navi…
I'm using `org.jetbrains.compose:compose-gradle-plugin:1.0.1-rc2` which has support for kotlin 1.6.10
It only crashes with r8 enabled.
AGP: `com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.2.0-alpha03`
# [ 2021.10.21(Thur) 회의록]
작성자 : 변영화 😎
### 📋 회의 안건
**[1] 프로젝트 방향 결정안**
1. 복습용 실습 ❌
2. 개인 프로젝트 ⭕
> Unit Study ➡ Personal Project ➡ Team Project
**[2] 회의록 처리**
- 이번주 회의록 작성자가 저번…
In a small launcher app I see following:
* the launcher is an app that is always running and it's running for days
* every now and then I open my launcher and see, that some items are not displaye…
I just wanted to investigate and test cached system(Room) of app.
But it throws Exception when opening.
Is this app not considered offline?
If not, please read below.
Log shows `NoC…
I'm getting a crash when trying to show any image with this library with a stacktrace similar to this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19739269/gl-error-from-openglrenderer-0x502
There isn…
**Describe the bug**
Crash while running code in Activity
imageView.load(banner.image) {