Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!
1. What did you do? If possible, provide a simple script for reproducing the error.
while running make && make install on ext-…
Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!
1. What did you do? If possible, provide a simple script for reproducing the error.
I ran into an issue in a real application …
Use PDO API (hooked) instead: https://www.swoole.co.uk/docs/modules/swoole-runtime-flags#supported-libraries
Coroutine HTTP Server will be deprecated in the future versions because it is non-complete and confusing users.
Swoole\Coroutine\Barrier will be deprecated in the future versions because it is confusing users, use waitGroup instead:
Hey i just saw this comment :
> Word of warning: Swoole's admin interface hot-loads code from a third-party server; see https://git…
Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks!
1. What did you do? If possible, provide a simple script for reproducing the error.
`Unknown error type: [8192]: Return type o…
I use a managed postgres database.
The 'shlink' database already exists.
When ```db:create``` is run, it attempts to connect to the postgres database even though it has no permission to connect …
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