**Ko su članovi tima?**
Vukašin Mićić RA 118/2014, grupa 3
**Problem koji se rešava?**
Rešava se problem prepoznavanja emocija na osnovu date slike lica. Biće upoređeni rezultati konvencijal…
Hello ;
could you please provide the dataset
Can you please suggest how to fix this?
[jalal@goku facial-expression-recognition-svm]$ python convert_fer2013_to_images_and_landmarks.py --landmarks=yes --hog=yes --jpg=no --onehot=yes
Should the second python file be training for the gender?
Download the fer2013.tar.gz file from here
Move the downloaded file to the datasets directory inside this repository.
Untar the file:…
Do I have to let it train 10000 times really?
I would like run and see the implementation but the 2013Landmarks+hog file with hog features are not found. It would be great if you could upload the file. Thank you.
impressive job! You have mentioned "fer2013 emotion classification test accuracy: 66%.". To my knowledge, this result is close to the state of art. But I wanna know some information about your trainin…
in the readme, the ferxxxx.png mean the row index of the original fer2013.csv .
but in fer2013new.csv,some lines is empty at the image_name.and how can i
match the fer2013new and fer2013.csv.
The size of images in fer2013 is 48*48 but you used 64*64.
Are you resize the 48*48 images or there is other size ?
New to deep learning so this question may be basic-
I trained on a set of 37k labelled images using the 'Classifier training of inception resnet v1' guide.
It looks like the training went well, but …
N2ITN updated
7 years ago