Annotation to define max concurrency for access to a method or bean. This was first mooted on the EJB spec but adding to concurrency would mean this could be used generally across the platform.
Fault tolerance annotations are silently ignored on fallback methods. For example:
@Fallback(fallbackMethod = "legacyFindBook")
public Book findBookInOnlineStore(String title) {
The current version of resiliense4j-feign supports only Bulkhead(Semaphore) as Bulkhead decorator,
is there a way to support ThreadPoolBulkhead as decorator?
Thanks for your feedback
In the cloud world, statically defined bulkheads are not a great fit for limiting concurrency. We should add dynamic (adaptive) concurrency limiters, modeled after Netflix's https://github.com/Netflix…
Engine bay Fan behaving erratically and now not functioning
Trying to export lightweight on a bulkhead fails with no error code or anything just nothing comes up in the shopping list same for any experimental added with lightweight.
trying to get the exp…
I test it, and find IsolationThreadPoolException is throwed
Resilience4j version: 1.7.0
Java version: openjdk 1.8.0_282
The context propagator is being applied to the Callable/Runnable as expected but once it has completed running (exceptionally), the cont…
Resilience4j version: 2.2.0
Spring Boot: 3.2.5
Java version: 17
We are using Circuitbreaker, BulkHead, TimeLimiter modules of resilience4j. We would like to define and update BulkHead config…
Resilience4j version: 1.5.0
Java version: 1.8
I used the resilience4j in spring boot 2 sample application and wrote the unit tests for many scenarios. When I execute the individual unit test cas…