After following the installation instructions using WSL Ubuntu 24.04.1. I receive the following error in the terminal. Additionally a GUI window pops up notifying that there was an uncaught exception.…
Each of the APIs supported by PSyclone has its own coding standards. There is no general agreement on whether PSyclone should generate API-conformant code. This issue discusses
1. Whether it would…
I think we need to convert to the GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) dialect to properly support things like code blocks that are nested inside list items in a way that will render well in all our targets…
I forgot that we had a repo!
WCAG 2.2本体の用語集に「適合している代替版」があり、注記4に以下のように書かれています。
>Note 4
>Alternate versions may be provided to accommodate different technology en…
Jens writes "One thing I noticed is, that the content is malformed wrt. HTML/XML - line 5 and 6 have an opening `
The `salt-master` `Dockerfile` developed in https://github.com/scality/metalk8s/pull/591 uses a tag as `FROM` image, and doesn't specify any `LABEL`s.
### Describe the issue
My name, in the Unicode format, is `홍용민`, and this is conformant to the [Korean name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_name) format of FamilyName+FirstName without space.
Hasvk is Vulkan 1.0 conformant and for Broadwell gen8 is Vulkan 1.1 available.
anvil comments of gen8+ give here information.
Anvil was first developed for Broadwell gen 8 and Skylake gen…
Migrated from NIEM/NIEM-NDR#107
Missing definitions and augmentation points cause NIEM subsets to throw conformance errors. Should the SSGT change the `conformanceTarget` to `EXT`? Should somethi…