I am not quite clear looking at the documentation what Schema Salad is about.
My guess is that it could provide what [CSV for the Web W3C standard](https://www.w3.org/2013/csvw/wiki/Main_Pag…
The order of columns in observations input data affects the order in which slugs are inserted into URIs. This means that 2 spreadsheets having different column orders could lead to 2 different URIs fo…
At TDWG 2020, the subject of the need for an Evidence class came up several times.
Problems with the term dwc:basisOfRecord were also discussed. It is essentially a bespoke term to indicate the ty…
A few maybe useful resources to share. Interesting paper!
- CSVW: CSV on the Web
> Homepage: https://w3c.github.io/csvw/
When inspecting the turtle output it could be cleaner, as it includes a lot of unprefixed URIs etc.
It would be nice to:
1. Add a `csvw` prefix
2. Find a way to increase the TurtleWriters buffe…
CSV on the web, a primer: https://www.w3.org/TR/tabular-data-primer/
E.g. data
"country","country group","name (en)","name (fr)","name (de)","latitude","longitude"
Currently, CSV observation data submitted to table2qb online pipelines is via HTTP POST and multipart/form-data.
It would be good to have the option to pass a URL to table2qb and have the CSV observa…
We're currently quite succinct with our declaration. In the codelist pipeline for example, rather than generating a single-row csvw table for the concept scheme resource, we create that resource with …
Here are some tools I discovered -- though I haven't actually looked at or tried any to any sufficient depth yet:
- https://csvw.opendata.cz/validation
- http://rdf.greggkellogg.net/distiller?comm…