Hello, I have a problem that I can't find a solution to.
I have an ISS on ID1 and the wind sensor is separated on ID2, so I adjusted the configuration as follows:
mapping = th:1, rain:1, wind:2, t…
würde einen Adapter für Weatherlink brauchen um die Daten meiner Davis Wetterstation auszulesen und in ioBroker darzustellen
### Feature request
Thank you for making a new integration for Weatherlink. The old one worked fine, but the developer haven't responded on requests for quiet some time. And the sensors generated by …
Hi, would it be possible to add the davis airlink to be supported by this plugin.
API call is the same as weatherlink, and will return the below
{ "data": { "did": "001D0A10060C", "name": "…
# 🐛 Bug Report
Running latest Raspberry Pi OS and Docker. Utilized template docker-compose.yml with minor tweaks for my environment. weewx runs fine pulling data from my IP based David Vantage Pr…
### The problem
After 2024.1.1 both shelly em and shelly1pm stopped working, error logs below, and fw versions
Firmware: 20230913-113709/v1.14.0-gcb84623
Hardware: gen1 (SHSW-PM)
Firmware: 202…
weewx kann aus Wetterdaten abgeleitete Größen berechnen wie z.B. windchill. Die berechneten Daten werden in der weewx-sqlite-Datenbank gespeichert (und nicht dynamisch bei Bedarf berechnet).
Daher …
I am using WiFiLogger 2 on my Vantage Pro. After configuring the plugin (following the instructions), I keep getting a syntax error. I have copied and pasted the error from my Homebridge Log.
I added a Davis 6332 connected to a water temperature sensor to my setup.
Any idea how I can map this temperature to an extra temperature field in Weewx?
This is the data from the extra sen…
Running "sudo ./emailproxy.py --no-gui" yields the attached log. I'm not sure why root can't open these ports....