### Why is this issue important?
We want forecasted grants available in our dataset (alongside active grants) so we can integrate them into the product for our users.
### Current State
The `…
比如,先执行了 `gost -api :18080`
然后再执行了 `gost -L tcp://:10001 -F relay+wss://xx.xx.xx.xx:20001`
但是在控制台使用 `gost -O json` 输出配置文件的时候,显示完全
`gost -L=socks://localhost:8389?whitelist=udp:`
f4nff updated
2 months ago
I am adding CLAWS tag sets to the vocabulary (so far just CLAWS5 and CLAWS7), but it is not clear what the GOST tagger is using. It is clearly not CLAWS five, as shown in the table below for the tags …
nohup ./gost -L relay+tls://:(落地gost监听端口)/上网工具端口) >> /dev/null 2>&1 &
# KubeSail | gost-heroku by kaixuan1115
A template for Gost-heroku by kaixuan1115. Discover and launch awesome software for free at KubeSail.com! KubeSail, the Self Hosting Company
При попытке добавить новую `datamodel`, со стилями `gost-*` (пробовал не все, но для примера ниже `-numeric`), после lualatex, biber, lualatex (то же с pdflatex) выдается ошибка:
Missing number,…
### Checklist
- [x] Download updated zip file and guidance document from Treausury and add to google drive folder - [treasury files can be found here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LGzCB931…
Hi there,
Gost has been an invaluable tool for me over the years, and I appreciate the author's excellent work.
I'm currently facing a SOCKS5 version mismatch issue while trying to route VPN tra…
(screenshots and chat with cleint in attach
txid: 71cb9881d34dea3bdae7a06c…