I get the following error when running the plugin using data from [Exercise 5](https://onsset.github.io/teaching_kit/courses/module_2/Excercise%205/) of the OnSSET Teaching Kit.
**An error has occu…
Our Powershell script operates from a central machine and cycles thru a bunch of virtual machines (Win2019, Win2022) in order to install the existing Windows updates using cmdlet "Install-WindowsUpdat…
Recent versions of infinitime make use of the flash memory and will format it, so it can happen that wasp-os does not create a default main.py on first boot.
I propose to always create a default ma…
Hi all,
I just wanted to plot my 'hood' and some adjacent districts, so i basically took the example from the notebook and ran it.
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from shapely.affini…
Update TIB DOI
Add file to GitHub
Add to NGB
See if Bit story and pics are OA
We are currently hosting the 10th deal.ii User workshop in Hannover. We want to take the opportunity to work further on a Tpetra wrapper.
Even though there is probably already an open issue concer…
https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/ gets you a DOI, backup and persistent landing page so that people who want to cite your software can do so conveniently.
Many greetings from Hanno…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. create robot model (for example stanford manipulator or baxter robot model
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. create robot model (for example stanford manipulator or baxter robot model
- [ ] Hochschule Darmstadt (id: 94/5)
- [ ] Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (id: 191/35)
- [ ] Hochschule Rhein Main (id: 333/18)
- [ ] Hochschule Kaiserslautern (id: 214/14)