This is out of date: https://imagej.net/BigDataProcessor2
Recommendations how to fix this:
Deborah Schmidt @frauzufall Aug 05 13:32
@tischi you can edit the pure HTML pages here: https://github…
I'm trying to follow the [ImgLib2 Examples](https://imagej.net/ImgLib2_Examples) to open a TIFF hyperstack that was generated with ImageJ. If I follow Example 1a, which uses ImageJ to open t…
Some time ago, I raised [an issue on ImageJ forum](http://forum.imagej.net/t/imagej1-vs-imagej2-java-api-cheat-sheet/10770/9) and suggested ImageJ1 –ImageJ2 Java API cheat sheat.
##### Use-case
When running ilastik via the Fiji plugin in BARD, it is desirable to run ilastik from a different container (to avoid duplication). The plugin writes temporary files per default into…
Trackmate is a Fiji/ImageJ plugin that computes tracking for segmented data.
This is a widely used tool and we would do well if we could provide a conversion utility for our first release.
As I've now found out with both d9fc267 and #307, napari-imagej seems to work poorly with local installations. It would be great to regularly test with a local installation, maybe on CI?
@ctrueden …
@ctrueden provided me with a script that can be run in Fiji-future with a SNAPSHOT `scijava/scripting-python` jar, which does the following:
* Initializes a multi-channel `Dataset`.
* Converts it to…
I am interested in using some ImageJ plugins to process some images from a python image processing pipeline. Has this been tried with JavaBridge and if so, how did it go?
For image processing appl…
Nicolas tried to segment a cell with an external program (ImageJ) and then loaded the binary masks in the segmentation step. It did not work. Can this be debugged?
Would be great if we could write ImageJ ROIs using NumPy Arrays as well.