when viewing expenses or income, the index of the list reflects the index of the original list containing both expenses and income, this makes the list appear inconsistent when viewing expeses or inco…
Step to replicate:
1. Enter the command add n/Jane Doe p/98765678 e/janed@gmail.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 dob/1999-03-09 income/$5,000
Expected: A Person of name Jane Doe with the specified f…
## Status
**[2024-07-12] [Fran]** One ticket (Analytics) remains open. I just commented with a question to Michelle Dooley on that ticket and will follow up.
## VFS product information
### VFS team n…
In the UG, the command format for adding an income is given as follows:
`add income DESCRIPTION a/AMOUNT [d/DATE]`
This means that only if the command starts with `add income`, then the command wil…
I understand that what you intended by "monthly balance" is the remaining …
When asked to enter the expense amount when adding an income, if the amount is too large (overflow), instead of displaying an error message, the program still regards it as a valid amount. Furthermore…
![截屏2024-11-15 下午4.47.53.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2113-AY2425S1/pe/master/files/1dbdd5d6-27c1-4f7e-a0e3-5715d414da47.png)
The tags should be separate for the intended users.
Incorrect error prompt provided to user indicating that "Amount should be …
If you paste this URL:
you should see blank expenses (`-`) . However, if you change the income manually back and fort…