At this stage this is more of a discussion point but I think discussions are not yet enabled on the repo?
If there was a velocity estimate for the water relative the ground, then an estimate for th…
Correction needed for raw affiliation Ecohydrology and Landscape Evaluation, Institute of Ecology, TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; INRA, UMR LISAH, 2 Place Pierre Viala, 34060 …
Hello everyone,
Monday March 31st at 10:00 MT will be the Skype meeting to discuss metrics and ideas for the paper. Be sure to send me your Skype handle. If you can’t make the meeting, I will post a…
I finally figured out a way to handle general raster spatial data using _sf_ and _stars_ in R. Brief example below:
running list of readings for meetings
The example below is code for comparing robustness between network plots in a nature preserve and network plots on adjacent land of neighbors. In this situation the confidence intervals provide eviden…
| Participant Name | What type of your products will be? | Your Product Intro | Your Team Intro | OIP Link |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| NetCloth | Others: Core proctol feature extension:…
My field season is over and I'm back to running my simulations. Thanks for answering my previous questions. I have managed to run a simulation with 10 replicates using my customized salamander georefe…
If you are interested in this project as a contributor or simply as a potential user, please say “Hi” and tell us a little bit about yourself. :)
I’ll start: my name is Marcos, I’m a Biologist from…
The grant landing page is supposed to have a Grant Admin field that represents the department which manages the grant. Currently, it displays the same data as the Awarded by field, which is the name o…