I have read many related issues but I coudlnt find a clever way to solve my problem.
Initially my model was trained on FP32 so loss function also implemented considering float32 (using template
Dear authors, In CIFAKE dataset, the test images have already been classified into REAL and FAKE. I am wondering how does model detect them and can I use my own images for detection?
Thank you for yo…
i waiting sana so long for training on potato, but its not working on A40 with 48GPU(
(sana) root@c88159d783a4:/workspace/sana# bash train_scripts/train.sh configs/sana_config/1024ms/Sana_1600…
Hi there, I am reading a paper whose GA and MC are complained and I can't understand how. the problem is to estimate parameters of mixed logit model. it get started by selection 70 random numbers for …
ghost updated
5 years ago
Intuitively, by using hard negatives, we are trying to push away random negatives with high logits away from the true positive. Since the negatives are random, isn't this forcing model at t+1 to be dr…
Currently trying to use SOAP for fine-tuning HF base model, but compilation takes too long. Is this expected?
I am trying in the followng way:
model = MusicGen.get_pretrained('small')
attributes, _ = model._prepare_tokens_and_attributes(["sample text"], None)
conditions = attributes
e.g Logit( x b + e) where e is an unobserved random term
Jensen's inequality bites again.
E(y | x) is not Logit(x b) (or expit ?)
Wooldridge on control function explains average structural fun…
**EDIT : I failed to train all fcos models shared here on FP16(using apex) with DGX 8GPU. It started with finding a proper scaling factor(aournd 2048), and at around 4900~5000 iterations, it suddenly …
I'm using tidybayes to visualize the results of a (mixed-effects) categorical ('multinomial') regression fit with brms::brm(). Even when I apply recover_types to the model prior to using add_l…