This mod [https://store.gx.me/mods/3or9qd/omori-headspace-normal-/](here) says it fails to encode.
By running OMORI with Kawariki 2.0 compat tool the game complains about missing FPSMeter plugin.
If I have to guess, it seems that it can't find the plugins folder correctly (which is inside the ww…
I've connected an HX711 to my Pi, CLOCK on BCM pin 20 (J8-38) and DATA to BCM pin 16 (J8-36). I keep getting mostly what seems to be random reads, full of '1's, like this:
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 …
My two friends. Crashed after file loss occurred
But if this file is missing, it won't affect the start of the game
Kresge Library, 1535
_Goal_: To define S.M.A.R.T. goals and prepare for Tuesday's group presentation.
I get this colcon build error on my fork of your repo:
/usr/bin/python3: can't open file '/opt/ros/iron/ros2_ws/spherorvr-ros2/sphero/setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I'm new to RO…
When I installed it in the CEP module(all unzip) package
mod save saver An error occurred
### Song Name
### Artist Name
Pedro Silva
### Source
### Youtube Link
### Direct File Link
_No response_
### Song ID