How does the performance compare to RAR and ZIP?[doge]
Public AutoChips SVD files for AC7801x, AC7802x and AC7840x contain a license which prohibits redistribution.
In your opinion, what is the best way to go around this limitation and provide SVD fi…
Buenas, no tengo muy claro cuando usar la convención de llamado a sub-rutinas, solo cuando uso CALL y RET?
o tambien es necesario si usa las instrucciones Branch, Jal, Jalr?
En el caso del Branch, e…
7z.dll can extract new RAR5 from the v15.06 beta, but SevenZipSharp can't manage this file that causes a exception.
## **问题描述**
1. **选择 KernelSU 的 AnyKernel 时:**
2. **选择 ko 文件时:**
报错信息为:`Cannot determine compressed stream type. Supported ArchiveFor…
How to compress to RAR format ?
Abro a issue para possibilitar discussão do que deve ser feito quando os documentos estão compactados.
Por enquanto, o caso conhecido é de Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ (issue #637) que, até o momento, n…
### Describe the bug
When using real debrid as the download route the files aren't unzipped/extracted to be able to use the install button on them requiring the need to go and manually extract and ru…