I've found this error occured when trying to test with data set is a part of the training data which has been done.
File /chatbot_seq2seq_antilm/lib/seq2seq_model_utils.py", line 49, in dict_lookup…
python3 execute.py
>> Mode : train
Preparing data in working_dir/
2017-09-05 16:51:11.408480: W tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to us…
Post 的URL,在 https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/ 中介绍,可以自定义URL。
Hi everyone, I am new to tensorflow, can anyone guide me in solving this error? Is it because of old version of tensorflow?
Data ready!
Bucketing conversation number 9999
Bucketing conversat…
If you need, please view https://github.com/1228337123/tensorflow-seq2seq-chatbot.git
Here is the detial error message :
File "execute.py", line 218, in decode
enc_vocab, _ = data_utils.initialize_vocabulary(enc_vocab_path)
File "E:\tensorflow-seq2seq-chatbot-master\tens…
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/suman/chatbot/host.pyw
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/suman/chatbot/host.pyw", line 7, in
sess, model, enc_vocab, rev_dec_vocab = execute.init_session(ses…
Anything i type return the answer `- [6.5] ` . It was trained only once (prepare_data.py and train.py), with a conversation of 1200 lines. I'm using python 3.7 and tensorflow 1.14.0 in a cpu.
In my structure I use flask server, and using "from chatbot import chatbot" to include the chatbot
then I initial as below to perform predict
AkishinoProjectBot = chatbot.Chatbot()