Hi guys.
Was just testing the new DALRC F722 dual gyro FC.
I have two issues:
1: vbat scale is off by a lot, it should be 156.
I'm using the matek vtx pdb hub, vbat pass-through tho.
2: BBL…
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checked by using the following proposal:
![screen shot 2017-10-30 at 14 21 04](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15954895/32172928-9be77ae2-bd7d-11e7-9369-75857239ec50.png)
The current implementation uses a very old API and needs update.
ronag updated
6 years ago
At the moment jury_statement is a field in proposal but is_winner is a field in idea. I think both fields should belong to one model either idea or proposal - i would suggest to move to idea as otherw…
Ubuntu 16.04
Kernel 4.8.1
OpenCV 3.1
(HW: Intel 5930k, Nvidia 1080 GTX Driver 370.28)
1. start and create NEW project.
2. Edit the vido
3. Render it (no matter if video or image)
4. de…
Running OWR -> Anything only yields black video frames when using Cerbero on iOS 32-bit.